This course provides the EMD Instructor candidate with the knowledge and skills necessary to certify others using the NECI Basic Emergency Medical Dispatching (EMD) curriculum.
This course is offered in both live and self-paced formats.
The EMD Instructor course meets the following NHTSA and ASTM national standards for emergency medical instructors and emergency medical dispatchers.
- NHTSA Highway Safety Services Standard 11 (Highway Safety Act of 1967)
- ASTM Standards:
- 1258: EMD Course Content
- 1552: EMD and EMD
- Instructor Criteria
- 1560: EMD Management and Quality Assurance
The instructor candidate will be able to
- Understand the principles of adult learning
- Demonstrate the ability to make a professional presentation
- Demonstrate the ability to make a presentation from a PowerPoint
- Understand and be able to demonstrate classroom management
- Understand how to request training materials from NECI
- Understand how to certify others as an EMD
- This is a train-the-trainer course, not a basic certification course. The course is not designed to teach the instructor candidate basic call-handling techniques. Instructor candidates should be previously trained or experienced at the basic level of emergency communications before taking this instructor-level course. Instructor candidates will learn methods of instruction rather than learning the basics of emergency medical dispatching.
NOTE: This course covers certification for one instructor. Included with the course is one manual for that instructor. This manual may not be reused with additional instructors for additional certifications.